An car insurance agent was teaching his wife to drive when the brakes failed while they were driving down a really steep hill. “Tom, I can’t stop!” his wife screamed […]
Funny Finance Jokes
Jenny’s mother decided that her daughter should get something practical for her 10th birthday, rather than just more toys. “How would you like it if we opened a savings account […]
An attractive young woman walked into an accountant’s office and said to him “I need help to file my taxes”. The accountant said to her, “Well madam, before we begin, […]
During a bank robbery, the robbers tied the bank cashier up and then gagged him after learning the combination to the safe. They then herded the other employees into a […]
A father had three sons who he sent away to university to ensure that all three of them had a good education. Before they left home he said to all […]
This is a list of financial definitions which someone sent me many moons ago and which I thought extremely appropriate for today’s political and financial climate in the USA. If […]
Malcolm was walking to work one morning when he bumped into his friend Jeffrey, who looked as if he was really down in the dumps. Malcolm asked him why he […]
It is the middle of August and it’s holiday season in the South of France and there are lots of tourists visiting the region from all over the world. However, […]
Outside a small, Irish independent bank in County Kerry in southwest Ireland, a crowd of people was gathering, all of them being customers of the bank who were anxious about […]
The first year university student came running in tears to her father, crying “Dad, you really gave me some terrible financial advice!” “I did what?” her father said, somewhat shocked […]
A banker once told his client that his one million dollar investment would turn into a ton of money! So the the client excitedly asked the banker, “How much is […]
Whatever they do, have you ever wondered how accountants do it? Accountants do it by the book. Accountants do it within budget. Accountants do it to the bottom line. Accountants […]