Funny Farming Jokes

20 posts

Funny Pig Farm. Image used under a Collective Commons License from best funny farming jokes are here. We have all kinds of jokes about farming and some great ideas for funny farming stories for speeches and more.

We have jokes about farmers and farmers wives, life down on the farm and not forgetting of course the jokes about those farm animals: horses, cows, pigs, sheep and chickens and of course sheep dogs. We hope you enjoy these and of course please do share our jokes pages if you find them funny.

If one of our funny farming stories helps to provide you with good material to use in a speech, that’s brilliant! We would love to know that we have been of help, please leave us a comment.

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A raging fire swept across the plains one day and burned down the farmers barn. While he was out surveying the burned out wreckage of his barn and everything that […]

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The City Slicker

A city slicker decided that he had had enough of living in the city. The crowded streets, the traffic, the constant noise, all of it was starting to get to […]

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A chicken farmer went to the local watering hole and pulled up a stool and ordered champagne. A woman was sitting on the stool next to him. She turned to […]

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Kansas Tornado

When you think of tornados you think of Kansas, right? Kansas and tornados just seem to go together like salt and pepper don’t they. A powerful tornado hit a Kansas […]

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Carnation Milk

When you next open a can of Carnation milk for your recipes, just smile and think of this… A little old lady from North Carolina had worked in and around […]

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The Bicycle Salesman

A salesman was trying to talk a farmer into buying a bicycle, but was meeting with considerable sales resistance. “Shucks, I’d sooner spend my money on a cow,” said the […]

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The Farmhand

How did that Happen?” the doctor asked the middle-aged farmhand as he set the man’s broken leg in a plaster cast. “Well, doctor, twenty five years ago…”, the farmhand started […]

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The Farm Boy

Willis the farm boy accidentally overturned his wagon load of wheat on the road, creating one heck of a mess. The farmer that lived nearby, saw what had happened and […]