Funny Farming Jokes

20 posts

Funny Pig Farm. Image used under a Collective Commons License from best funny farming jokes are here. We have all kinds of jokes about farming and some great ideas for funny farming stories for speeches and more.

We have jokes about farmers and farmers wives, life down on the farm and not forgetting of course the jokes about those farm animals: horses, cows, pigs, sheep and chickens and of course sheep dogs. We hope you enjoy these and of course please do share our jokes pages if you find them funny.

If one of our funny farming stories helps to provide you with good material to use in a speech, that’s brilliant! We would love to know that we have been of help, please leave us a comment.

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Muddy Car. Image used under a Collective Commons License from

The Muddy Hole

Jerry was really frustrated, having got his car stuck in a muddy hole while driving down a country lane. Luckily for him, a farmer was passing in his tractor and […]

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The Young Farmer

This joke about a young farmer would make a great farming joke for speeches. I can almost hear the roars of laughter in the room. The young farmer made an […]

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A Midwest Dairy Farmer

A Midwest dairy farmer was conducting a tour of his farm to a group of folks from the city, who were on a tour of the Midwest and like a […]

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The Texas Farmer

A Texas farmer was going door to door in the neighborhood, selling peaches that he had grown on his farm. He knocked on one door and a shapely 40 something […]

Source: Social Media

Life From The Seat Of A Tractor

Life from the seat of a tractor. These quotes are an old farmer’s words of wisdom. Whether you take these literally or metaphorically, these are things that we could all […]

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The Farmers Wife

The farmer’s wife went to see the doctor to ask him about her husband’s chronic biliousness. The doctor advised her to give him liquid paraffin. The farmer’s wife went and […]

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Farmer Brown’s Free Range Chickens

Farmer Brown once lived on a quiet rural highway but as time went by, the traffic slowly built up and eventually got so heavy and so fast that farmer Brown’s […]

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Contented Cows

A farmer had heard that the best milk comes from contented cows, so he decided it would be a good idea if he could come up with a way to […]

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Bubba’s Farm

Bubba and his pregnant wife lived on a farm which was way out in the country. There was no running water, no electricity, etc. It was a very basic country […]

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Mad Cow Disease

A female reporter from a local television station was interviewing a farmer, seeking the main cause of Mad Cow Disease for use in a documentary program. The camerman gave the […]

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Accident On A Country Lane

A man was motoring down a country lane when he rounded a bend, his car came off the road and ended up in a ditch. Fortunately, a local farmer saw […]

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Hunting In Idaho

A Salt Lake pheasant hunter took his son hunting in Idaho to do a little pheasant shooting, but all of the good locations had signs posted that read “No Trespassing”. […]