Have you ever been stopped by a state trooper for breaking the speed limit while you were driving?
I know I have, several times because the cop snuck up on me on the highway on a Sunday morning on my way into the office when the highway was clear and I wasn’t looking behind me, the third when I was just “zoned out” and forgot to slow down when the speed limit changed. The cops must have also had a different kind of radar too, because my radar detector didn’t go off until I was right on top of them, then it went crazy. A trip to court, several visits to a counsellor, but fortunately no points on my licence!
But this isn’t about me. Have a chuckle at this story about a woman who got stopped for speeding in Alabama.
Okay, I admit it, I have a lead foot and I drive way too fast.
So, I was not surprised when a state trooper pulled me over while I was driving through Alabama, doing well over the speed limit on a country road.
Crossing my fingers and hoping to get off with a warning, I tried to appear shocked when the trooper walked up to my car, nervously watching him approach in the mirror.
“I am so sorry, I have never been stopped like this before”, I said to the officer.
“What do they usually do, ma’am”, he asked, “shoot the tires out?”
Image used under a Collective Commons License from https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:NY-SP_Ford_CVPI_on_Traffic_Stop.jpg