I went to the doctor the other day to have my annual health check. When you get to a certain age it’s good to have a regular physical examination, just in case. But being pretty healthy I didn’t have any worries when I went for my appointment and was fairly relaxed.
The nurse started the examination with some basic questions, like “How much do you weigh?”
“135 pounds”, I replied.
The nurse then had me stand on the scales.
It turned out my weight is actually 180 pounds! Well that was a shock, I tell you.
The nurse then asked me, “How tall are you?”
“5 foot 4 inches”, I replied.
The nurse checked my height and said that actually, I only measure 5 foot 2 inches.
She then took my blood pressure and told me that it was very high.
“Of course it’s high!”, I screamed, “When I came in here I was tall and slender! Now I’m just short and fat!”
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