This is a quick lesson in learning Chinese, which should hopefully prove invaluable for you if you are a Westerner like me and the first hurdle is the fact that you can’t even read the characters, let alone pronounce them.
For many of us whose native language is English, even learning another language that is based on the Roman alphabet is hard, but trying to learn one where the characters are totally different is not just one step harder, it’s more like 10 flights of steps harder.
I for one am always envious of people who can speak multiple languages as well as their own, especially when they speak English as well as I do and I can barely get by in Spanish or French.
Well, this is your chance to learn a smattering of useful Chinese phrases, which might just get you out of trouble one day.
Of course they could also get you into trouble as well, so practice well!
- That’s not right?
- Are you harboring a fugitive?
- See me ASAP
- Stupid man!
- Small horse
- Did you go to the beach?
- I bumped into a coffee table
- I think you need a face lift
- It’s very dark in here
- I thought you were on a diet
- This is a tow away zone
- Our meeting is scheduled for next week
- Staying out of sight
- He’s cleaning his automobile
- Your body odor is offensive
- Great!
- Sum Ting Wong?
- Hu Yu Hai Ding?
- Kum Hia Nao!
- Dum Fuk!
- Tai Ni Po Ni
- Wai Yu So Tan?
- Ai Bang Mai Fu Kin Ni
- Chin Tu Fat
- Wai So Dim
- Wai Yu Mun Ching
- No Pah King
- Wai Yu Kum Nao
- Lei Ying Lo
- Wa Shing Ka
- Yu Stin Ki Up
- Fa Kin Su Pa!
Those were brilliant don’t you think?
Yes I know they were old, but I bet if you have seen them before, you haven’t seen them in a while.
If you know of any more like this, please do leave us a comment to let us know. The comments form are at the end of this page.
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