The Laughline
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A Penny For Your Thoughts

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“A penny for your thoughts”. This is one of those phrases that we are all familiar with, but do you know where it came from?

Well the story goes that once upon a time, a Scottish lad and lass were sitting together on a heathery hill in the Highlands of Scotland.

They had been silent for a while, when the lass turned and said to him, “A penny for your thoughts Hamish”.

The lad was a bit embarrassed, but he finally said, “Well, I was thinking how nice it would be if ye’d give me a wee bit of a kiss”.

So the Scottish lass gave him a kiss, two in fact. The first was a quick one, the second a more lingering one.

But after those kisses, he once again lapsed into a pensive mood, which lasted long enough for the lass to ask him, “What are ye thinking now Hamish?”

To which the lad grumbled, “Well, I was hoping ye hadn’t forgotten the penny!”

Image used under a Collective Commons License from:

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