Who doesn’t love a fishing story, especially when it’s a good fishing story.
A fourth grade teacher was giving her pupils a lesson in logic, and decided to tell them a story about a man who loved fishing.
“Here is the situation”, the teacher said. “A man is standing up in a boat in the middle of a river and he is fishing. Suddenly, he loses his balance, falls into the water, and he begins splashing about in the water and yelling for help”.
The teacher pauses for breath, and the class all look at her in amazement, waiting in anticipation for the rest of the story.
The teacher continued…
“The man’s wife heard all the noise and knowing that her husband couldn’t swim, she ran down to the bank. Why do you think she ran to the bank?”
A little girl raised her hand to indicate that she knew why.
The teacher said, “Yes Molly, why do you think the man’s wife ran to the bank?”
The little girl answered, “To draw out all his savings?”
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